Breaking News: I slept with ur mom!! Weather Alert: Ur mom expected to be wet all day tomorrow Sports: The entire lacrosse team has sex with your mom! Technology: New report finds that people buying sex toys for ur mom is singlehandedly propping up the industry Entertainment: My sex tape with ur mom breaks into the top 10 highest grossing movies of all time!

7/19/2024 Introduction

Hi! This is my first post to this website, it's very much still a work in progress but I'm having a lot of fun making it and looking around at other people's sites for inspiration. I'm really wishing I had paid attention in my intro CS class though, I feel way over my head trying to make this page look how I want. Although maybe I'm being too hard on myself, I think I absorbed most of what my teacher told me, he just didn't tell us much and really sucked.

I guess I should tell you about myself huh! I'm Stella, I have a bunch of other names but that's the only one I've found that's actually stuck around.

My pronouns are she/her, I also use he/him IRL but that doesn't seem long for this world, at least right now. I think I might be genderfluid, but right now I feel at least 90% girl. I've noticed though that I feel more girl when I'm feeling good and more boy when I'm doing bad, not sure what that means.

I'm 21 (my birthday was a few days ago!)

Here's a list of my interests!:

  • I'm a product design student, I dont want that to be my career though...
  • I love 3D modeling, I've been using Blender since I was around 9 and it's always been one of my main creative outlets
  • I like to make music but I also suck at it :p
  • I'm big into color theory and color science!! If you know a fun color fact please email it to me!!!
  • I love comics and am trying to get into making comics but it's one of those things that sounds amazing to me but actually getting myself to do it is a painful process. Like writing.
  • I make video games!!! Sorta... I've only posted a couple finished games and they're all super small arcade games, but I have like a dozen separate big ones in the works. I promise I will finish at least one before I die

That's everythign I can think of! I'll probably adapt this into an introduction post on my homepage sometime.

But before I go, I do want to tell you about my day today! I think it would be fun to use this as a sort of journaling space.

Today I rearranged my room with my mom, halfway through I realized the new layout is nearly identical to how I had it as a child which is fun. I've never really used my room as a hangout spot before and that's because I've never really been happy with how it feels to exist in it, but I'm super happy with it now. I hope I have friend's over and we could hang out on the couch and watch something on the tv screen, some people could hang out on the bed,, we could listen to music,,,, we could kiss :3,,,, we ciykd do o.o um anyways I hope I have friends over. I need more trans irl friends...

I also saw a comedy show today in the park! It was super epic and the comics were good :)


Second update!

Hello my devoted followers, last night I went to bed on time for the first time in weeks!!!! I've actually been able to function today and not get stuck on my phone and actually be able to think through the things I want to do with my day and then do them. It's fucking amazing

In other news I asked a dog girl I know if it wanted to make a comic with me and it said yes! Its gonna do the writing and I'll do the art!! I'm super excited to see what it comes up with, it's really good at writing n not much else so It's perfect bc I'm good at everything except writing lol.

I also just finished my desk setup! I worked with my mom to modify a micke desk from ikea with a platform in the drawer for my to put my mouse and keyboard. I've got a shitty old macbook in the drawer as the computer, it needs an upgrade but it'll work for now. This keyboard also sucks, it's super loud and feels terrible to type on, but I got it for free!

my desk setup

I'm super happy with how it's working, I tend to clutter my desk area, and then when I cant work at my desk I end up doing all my work on my bed, hopefully this will make it so even when I'm cluttered I can use my desk!


  • Girl: 50%
  • Boy: 1%
  • Something Else: 10%


Hi again!

Today I did not get good sleep... I was up till 3AM working on this website. I feel horrible from the lack of sleep but also amazing because I'm so happy with how this is turning out.

Last night I learned picoCAD and made a cute model of myself that's now on the homepage. I also added a custom pixel art font that I made a while ago, but I spent hours just tweaking the font, it was lots of fun, tweaking fonts is kinda meditative. If you like this font feel free to download it.

I really need to get better at taking care of myself when I get really deep into a project like that, the problem is it's just so much fun that I don't want to sleep!! I think I likely have ADHD, I'm hoping to get evaluated soon, it would be so epic if drugs could help me cope with my problems lol

In other news I have so many fucking responsibilities!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not even that much though, it just feels like a lot rn because I'm neglecting them. I should probably stop that huh..

My room might also be a little *too* cool now, I don't want to leave it anymore.


  • Girl: 5%
  • Boy: 5%
  • Something Else: 5%


It's been a while!

I stopped posting because I went on a bunch of back to back trips, and then forgot about it, and then remembered but felt guilty about not doing it, and just now I realized that if I let the guilt control if I post then I'll never post because the only way I can stop feeling guilty about it is to do it.

I do that with a lot of things I know I enjoy doing, but this is the first time I've been able to confront the fear of doing the thing I want to do!

I'm going to visit Eugene to visit my boyfriend tomorrow morning! I'm excited, it's been a rough period of time for him, his gf just moved out of their apartment which messed up his routines and he just dropped out of college, so it's gonna be good to see him and get to take care of him some.

I did good work today with setting up my house for the upcoming school year. I could've done better/more though, I arranged with my mom to work on our stuff together but I hid for a while in my room watching a Balatro University video, I did eventually meet with her and do some work though. The things I didn't get to: I didn't make the two phone calls I need to make. I still have to call my healthcare provider about HRT stuff. I didn't work on my freelance Blender job.

I'm so excited to move into my new place though!! I'm moving in with 3 other students in my program and they're all super nice and cool. I want to be so responsible and clean and cool. The thing I'm most worried about is communication, I tend to not speak up about small problems/misunderstandings and wait until they become big problems, but that's really dumb!!!


  • Girl: 95%
  • Boy: 55%
  • Something Else: 25%